Looking at photos from a distant or recent past of ourselves, family, friends, colleagues, is often an occasion for sub-stories to emerge. Beyond the scene captured in the picture, another story surfaces: what we were wearing, what it represented in that period of our life, how we looked, how we have changed since or haven’t. Sometimes even the circumstances of the acquirement of the piece of clothing or accessory flashes up, along with the emotions that preceded it and the expectations that were fulfilled or not by wearing it. Our wardrobe is a visual reflection of our evolving identity. It maps out changes in our state of mind, needs, projects, affinities, be it emotional, intellectual, social or physical. Our wardrobe holds meaning, narratives from our past and present self, and people around us. 

This blog is a space for reflection and conversations, to share stories and connections, not with sepia toned nostalgia but with the vivid colours of our present lives.